Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Memorial Day Practice and SCKF Championship

There will be practice on Memorial Day, May 25th. However, it will be a special practice and the scheduling will be a bit different.

The start time will be at 7:00PM for all members.

7-745 will be Kihon Keiko (Basics)
745-9 will be Advanced Waza and Keiko for everyone

One thing that needs mentioning. Kendo is not just about physical activity. Reigi (ettiquite) is an equally important aspect of Kendo. It is very important that ALL Kenshi learn proper Reigi. Having said that, it is highly recommended that beginners and junior members come to Memorial Day practice so that they can learn some things they may have not been taught about Reigi.

SCKF Individual Championship 6/28/09 @ Wilson Park

Sign ups must be made by next week. Wed. 5/27

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